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library:mri_standard_parameters [2025/01/21 22:27] – created meuonlibrary:mri_standard_parameters [2025/01/22 00:30] (current) meuon
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 |SLICE THICKNESS|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 5mm| |SLICE THICKNESS|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 3mm|2 - 5mm|
 |SLICE SPACING|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%| |SLICE SPACING|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%|
 +|NOTES| -Pre and post contrast \\ -Choose FSE for metal artifacts| -High ETL may cause blurring \\ -If using FatSat, decrease TE to 70-80 -TE 500+ for myelo| \\ -Superior FatSat over large FOV \\ -Do not scan post contrast -Low inherent SNR| \\ -Sensitive to subtle contrast  \\ -Scan with 2 concat \\ -Keep TR very long|Many variants \\ -T1: FLASH;VIBE \\ -T2*:GRE;MEDIC \\ -T2* for Hemo \\ -Can be 3D for thin slice \\ -Can be 3D for isotropic|-Low resolution \\ -Low SNR \\ -Not sensitive to gad \\ -Scan for ischemia \\ -EPI artifacts|
 +Provided by Scott Johnson, MS RT (R)(MR) - edited by meuon, a weird spinning particle in the machine.