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mri_protocols [2025/01/21 22:02] meuonmri_protocols [2025/01/22 12:11] (current) meuon
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 =====Veterinary MRI Protocol Library===== =====Veterinary MRI Protocol Library=====
-An attempt to organize and share what we can about MRI's. +An attempt to organize and share what we can about Veterinary MRI's. 
 This will become more organized as we figure out what we are doing.  This will become more organized as we figure out what we are doing. 
-Our first example, as we learn how to do this is:+Our first examples are provided by Scott Johnson MS RT (R)(MR)
-[[library:Shoulder MRI Guide]]  by Scott Johnson MS RT (R)(MR) +[[library:Shoulder MRI Guide]] 
-whom we hope to have a a frequent contributor to the wiki.  +
 +[[library:resolution_and_geometric_parameters|MRI Resolution and Geometric Parameters]] 
- +[[library:mri_standard_parameters|MRI Standard Parameters]]
- +
-Other useful things:+
 [[library:mri_parameter_relationships|MRI Parameter Relationships]] [[library:mri_parameter_relationships|MRI Parameter Relationships]]
 [[library:mri_sequences_and_weightings|MRI Sequences and Weightings]] [[library:mri_sequences_and_weightings|MRI Sequences and Weightings]]